Headmistress of Diaspora Girls’ SHS Is Calling For More Infrastructure Support

The Headmistress of Diaspora Girls’ SHS located at Obodan in the Akuapem South Municipality of the Eastern Region, Mrs Ama Thompson is calling for more infrastructure support for the school.

According to Mrs Ama Thompson the current infrastructure cannot accommodate the current number of students. The school which started with 22 students currently has a population of 1,050.

“The school has not benefited from any infrastructure since 2017. The biggest hall in the school can take an average of 200 girls. This is where the girls use as their dining hall. So it is obvious that students have to eat in batches. This hall was constructed when the school was established. Due to the size of the hall, all morning assemblies and church services are done outside. This means that we have social gatherings very early in the morning or later in the day when the sun has set. Whenever it is raining, school gatherings do not take place at all.”

Mrs Thompson was speaking at the 20th Anniversary of the school.

Mrs. Thompson recounts the challenges they go through “On a normal school day you will find students sitting on verandas and under trees having lessons at the mercy of the weather. This is how challenging the situation is. I would therefore like to appeal to our honourable deputy minister through our chairman looking at these young girls who are the future leaders of our nation to use her influence to get us an eighteen unit classroom block. I believe if this request is granted it would go a long way to ease the pressure on both teachers and students in the classroom.”

She appealed for support, “It is in the light of this, our distinguished guests that we request for an assembly hall complex that can house about two thousand students. Land is available for this project.”

Mrs also commended the Forum for African Women Educationalist (FAWE) Ghana the brain behind the establishment of the school.

” When FAWEled by Mrs Vida Amaadi Yeboah of blessed memory, gave birth to us, little did we know that we would thrive through thick and thin to become twenty years old. We as a school and all the girls here and those who have passed through the four walls of this institution are grateful. Mrs. Emilia Amarley Quaquoo, Ms. Joyce Bossman   and Ms. Beatrice Hehetro, Thank you for your role as headmistresses and helping shape these young ones.”


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