Women Farmer Based Organizations in Krachi West Municipal Cries For Help

Women farmer base Organizations in Krachi West Municipality of the Oti Region are crying for help.

 Ano Kro Y3 and Techutop are farmer-based organizations, they are into crop farming, processing and marketing. The FBO produces Ground nuts, rice, cassava and vegetables.

This FBO uses manpower for farming and is therefore calling on other NGOs such as CAMFED Ghana, ACTION AID and other individuals to come to their aid to sustain their farming activities.

They have more than 28 hectares of farm land for farming but due to lack of capital, this group has only used a small portion of their land.

In a meeting with the Municipal Agriculture Directorates at Bommoden, a sub village in the Krachi West Municipality, the FBO sought for assistance and asked if they could get help from the government or individuals so they could scale up their farming activities.

Mr. Atta Adusei, the Municipal Director of Agriculture asked the women to continue with their farming activities which will attract investors some days to come.

He said, women have the opportunities when it comes to investors investing in agriculture.  He added that he is in contact with some NGOs who are willing to assist but wants to see their proactiveness.

Some of the members who spoke to the media pleaded for help and said, ” If they could farm on 8 hectares of land by the use of man power, they can scale up with the help of other NGOs.”

“We need help seriously because we have the land and we cannot till all the land depending on our strength, we are women,” Madam Ngogmayen Francisca retorted.

Agnes Nado who is the vice chairperson for the FBO said they need cassava, Ground nuts and rice processing machines and that will help improve their living conditions.








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