Personal Safety And Security Tips

In recent times especially during elections, criminal activity has become a significant threat and insecurity to the safety of people.

Criminal activity can take many forms which include armed assault, robbery, intimidation, and kidnapping. Individuals, politicians and groups must endeavour to take adequate measures necessary to eliminate any situations that may lead to danger before experiencing any event that may jeopardise their security.

Individuals and groups can only achieve this when they become vigilant and security conscious and raise the security awareness taking into consideration the risks posed by their environment. Personal security is indeed an individual responsibility and assessment that mitigate risks that may be encountered in the field of security with the ability to act with common sense and due prudence.

Even though the state has its shared responsibility of providing security for her citizens,  in planning your personal security, individuals must endeavour to take appropriate measures to viewing security and safety as important tools in their existence. An individual will gain a greater sense of security and self-confidence by preparing ahead of a potential incident. 

These are common sense measures that are frequently forgotten when one is confronted with an unfamiliar environment. BUSACgh is addressing some essential security information that may be required for an individual to provide for their security when the need arises. Individuals can prevent conditions that may affect their security   from happening when they act decisively and quickly to minimise damages and injuries. 

Inter alia: An individual must all the time listen to his/her instincts and act on it promptly to stay away from any strange environment  If approaching a suspicious area, stop and assess the area thoroughly  and observe other traffic especially when it is seen as an unofficial checkpoint If you suspect any person as a criminal  or a threat to your security, use whatever means to attract attention of others.

Remember that safety first than to be a victim of crime Events, objects, or people in  your environment may act as imminent danger Identify and change your normal routine schedules; for example, change your routes and time regularly to make it difficult for criminals to trail you.

Avoid as much as possible travelling in the night.
Always look confident and above any imminent danger.
Be alert  to the possibility of confrontation with individuals or groups.
 Avoid tourist areas that are often patronised by criminals.
Do not display jewellery,  cash and other valuables in public.

David Wilson Asetena-Krah. 
Executive Chairman & Founder ( BUSACgh )

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